If you’ve ever looked up how to play bridge then you probably felt confused reading all the complex rules of the game. There is no doubt navigating through the truckload of game rules is a tedious task. With a different rule at each point of the game, bridge is indeed a little hard on the uptake.
However, once you get the hang of it, it’s most definitely a different scenario altogether. Understanding the basic principles is all you need to get started. Bridge players even after years find new challenges as they play which is one of the reasons for its popularity. Even after learning bridge game rules means there’s always something to master each time you play.
Over the years bridge has become an extremely popular card game. Bridge tournaments around the world attract scores of players in tens of thousands. These days there are websites solely dedicated to the game which makes playing even easier.
If you are looking to join the world of bridge then look no further. We’ve outlined the basic principles that you need to know to get started and some tips to increase your winning chances.
How to Play Bridge? Learn The Rules
You need to gather a few items before you actually start playing bridge. These include:
- A standard deck of cards
- A pen
- Score pad/Sheet of paper
- 4 players
Now that you have everything you need let’s look at the bridge game rules.
Tips to Increase Your Chances of Winning
Now that you know what is bridge game and how to play it, let’s look into some strategies to tip the scales in your favour.
- Once you receive your cards, identify how you can leverage them to your advantage, which cards can be discarded and which can be used to win tricks.
- Always check on your high-point cards i.e the king, queen, jack and ace. Open if the total value of the high point card in your hand exceeds 12. Points for high cards are as follows: Ace-4, King-3, Queen-2, Jack-1.
- Keep an eye on the bidding. This can help you determine what kind of cards your partner and the declarer might be holding. Pay attention to the play and lead as it can also indicate the cards that are in their possession.
- Practice, practice, and more practice. Bridge, unlike other card games, cannot be won without any practice. The more you play, the more you’ll understand the workings of the game. It can also refine your strategy and help you identify how best to help your partner.